Death — the one way road

Sunoop Thomas
2 min readMay 29, 2022


Photo by Kenny Orr on Unsplash

Death of a loved one leaves an indelible mark on one’s life. People leave and they never return back. It leaves us hanging because we dont have a satisfactory answer. Death is a mystery. Its a one way path. Those who have entered have never returned. Hence those on the living side have made up rosy pictures of life on the other side. Unfortunately there is none to validate them. Except perhaps a record of a person who have died and lived or so says the records which happened some 2000 years ago. The veracity of the incident has been questioned but has stood up against extreme scepticism and scrutiny. It is difficult to ignore the mountain of evidence stacked up against the historic event. Against the backdrop of this impossibility, that a man can die and live again, the dead-but-alive person claims to be God himself — who can forgive sin, claims to have lived in the past and shared glory with another person in the god-head — appalling; blasphemous! Yes rightly so! And that was why he was murdered. But the number of eye witnesses that have witness the ressurected person is more that 500. Which makes it impossible to fabricate a story, die as a martyr for a lie and have it being retold even to this day. There must be a element of truth in the event. If that were true then the risen god-man says ”it is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment” . Well if he didnt lived then there is nothing to worry but if indeed he did and if his claims are true there is much at stake. And this man-god’s disciple goes on to say ”For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard.” and still damning is the claim ”But the product of sin is death” . Looks like there is no hope for mankind or is it there?



Sunoop Thomas

Jesus took my punishment. Justified b4 God. Child of God. Wide-eyed at God. Passions — theology, OOPs, photography, music & life.